News & Articles By Carol Anderson
By Carol Anderson
What you need to know about glucomannan and its usefulness as a weight loss supplement
There are many supplements appearing in the market claiming to be the next best dietary aid. Adding to the long list is the natural dietary fiber called glucomannan. It is sourced from the roots of the Japanese elephant yam or Konjac and is commonly used in Asia as a food thickener or medicine. Aside from […]
By Carol Anderson
Food swamps – areas stacked with fast food restaurants – may be contributing to Type 1 diabetes in the U.S.
New York is popular for being a food haven – not just because of upscale restaurants, but also because of fast food chains. In 2017, New York City was even named the fast food capital of the U.S. While this greatly helps the lives of millions of New Yorkers who are too busy to stop […]
By Carol Anderson
Organic fertilizer found to promote more rapid plant growth in soybeans
Researchers from Brazil have found that the growth of soybeans is made significantly higher by organic fertilizer. The study, published in the journal Applied Research and Agrotechnology, looked whether it was possible to confirm the use of certain waste products as fertilizer. Using a randomized block design, they tested four different treatments to see how each one of […]
By Carol Anderson
20 of the most addictive foods (Surprise: None of them are good for you)
On any given day – may it be good, bad, tiring, exciting or uneventful – we always look forward to eating some good food. Because of how badly we crave and depend on food, some experts say it can even be considered an addiction. A team of researchers from the Department of Psychology at the […]
By Carol Anderson
Almost 1 out of 2 people are not taking enough zinc: Here are 10 reasons why you should start supplementing today
We are always on the lookout for the best nutrient to help us get into tip-top shape. As society becomes increasingly health-conscious, more and more people are looking into various ways to combat the daily grind. While there are many nutrients out there, only a select few all-star nutrients can ultimately aid in maintaining optimal health. One […]
By Carol Anderson
10 Reasons why unfiltered apple cider vinegar is good for your health
If you are always on the lookout for the next big thing in health and wellness, you probably have heard of the health benefits of apple cider vinegar. Apple cider vinegar (ACV) contains a wealth of raw enzymes and beneficial bacteria and the fermentation process accounts for the many health benefits like lowering cholesterol levels, maintaining […]
By Carol Anderson
A New York project aims to revive an ancient and sacred variety of white corn
According to the American Diabetes Association, Native peoples across the country have the highest rate of diabetes. At least 16 percent of members of each tribe are diagnosed with the condition, with limited access to healthy, fresh food being one of the main causes. To address this matter and preserve history in the process, the Seneca – […]
By Carol Anderson
Eating a plant-based diet increases the number of healthy bacteria living in your gut
If you aren’t already, try going for a plant-based diet, like the Mediterranean diet: your gut will thank you later, according to researchers at the Wake Forest Baptist Medical Center. In their study, the team found that eating a plant-based diet, considered by most to be one of the healthiest diets around, enhances good bacteria in your gut […]
By Carol Anderson
Women trying to conceive should ditch the junk food and eat more fruit, says new study
There are many factors that can affect a woman’s fertility. Recently it was found that women who ate more junk food and less fruit take longer to conceive. According to a study published in the Human Reproduction journal, evidence shows that healthier diets help make women become more fertile. Australian researchers at the University of Adelaide, spearheaded […]
By Carol Anderson
Legumes and oily fish can delay the onset of menopause
For a lot of women, going into menopause is one of the worst stages in life. With all the symptoms – fatigue, weight gain, moodiness, hot flashes – most of the time, food is the only comfort. However, no matter how tempting that piece of chocolate is, women might want to resist and opt for healthier choices as […]
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