omega-3 fatty acids
By Frances Bloomfield
Plant-based DHA found to adequately meet nutritional needs for vegans and vegetarians
Adhering to a vegetarian or vegan lifestyle has both benefits and drawbacks. One such drawback is the lack of reliable docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) sources. This omega-3 fatty acid is usually obtained from animal products, with fatty fish and seafood having the most abundant DHA content. As such, vegetarian and vegan populations are often unable to consume […]
By Michelle Simmons
Heart study finds that omega-3 intake cuts your overall risk of death by a THIRD
According to a heart study, the omega-3 index could be used as a biomarker for overall risk of death and cardiovascular disease (CVD). The study, published in the Journal of Clinical Lipidology, found that the risk of death was reduced by about a third in people who had the highest omega-3 index, compared with those […]
By Michelle Simmons
Study: Consuming foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids cuts your risk of death by 33%
Consumption of foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids reduces the risk of death from any cause by approximately 33 percent, according to a study published in the Journal of Clinical Lipidology. The study also found that blood levels of omega-3 fatty acids are a better indicator of death risk from any cause than cholesterol. The […]
By Rhonda Johansson
Taking a multivitamin has beneficial effects for your brain function, mood
Current agricultural techniques have made it virtually impossible for you to gain all the nutrients your body needs from food alone. Even if you were to grow your own food, nutritionists still recommend supplementing your diet with a high-quality multivitamin and mineral formula to guard against nutritional deficiencies. The benefits of supplementing with a multivitamin […]
By Jessica Dolores
Women need a balance of omega 3s and omega 6s during pregnancy
Pregnancy is something all women should have the privilege of enjoying. It means having the power to nurture life, feel it grow, and see it come alive before a mother — and a father’s — unbelieving eyes. Not all women can enjoy this privilege, and responsibility, however. Some can’t conceive at all. Others suffer short-term […]
By Edsel Cook
Combining B-vitamins and omega-3s found to reduce risk of dementia, Alzheimer’s
A recent study by the University of Oxford discovered that a combination of B-vitamins and omega-3 fatty acids could lower the risk of dementia by reducing the rate at which the disease develops. Part of the Oxford Project to Investigate Memory and Ageing (OPTIMA), the study found that the interaction between the two nutrients is key […]
By Edsel Cook
Study assesses dementia risk reduction through intake of B-vitamins and omega-3 fatty acids
A study on mild cognitive impairment (MCI) emphasized the importance of nutrient-nutrient interaction in preventing dementia and Alzheimer’s disease (AD). According to its findings, MCI progression can be reduced through treatment with B-vitamins, but success depends on good levels of omega-3 fatty acids. The study was published in the Journal of Nutrition & Intermediary Metabolism. Poor nutrition is one of the driving factors of dementia and […]
By Zoey Sky
A student has discovered that feeding cows microalgae increases the omega-3s in cheese
A recent study has proven that feeding cows microalgae can increase the omega-3 fatty acid content of the milk they produce. Bethan Till, a Ph.D. student at Harper Adams University, reports that her project, which involved feeding cows microalgae to increase the omega-3 content of their milk, was successful. The cows that she observed for her […]
By Isabelle Z.
Halt mental decline with Omega-3s and B vitamins: Researchers found that essential fatty acids boost the benefits of Bs
Have you heard that taking B vitamin supplements can help older people who are experiencing memory problems to slow their mental decline? While this is terrific news on its own, it turns out that the effects can be even better if you pair B vitamins with omega-3s. A team of researchers from several prominent universities […]
By Isabelle Z.
Omega-3 fatty acids: Your super weapon against stress and anxiety
When the stress piles up or your anxiety gets out of control, you probably already have a few trusty tools to help take that edge off. Perhaps you try some yoga stretches or spend a few minutes meditating. These are all great ways of coping, but if you really want to counter stress and anxiety, […]
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