By Lance D Johnson
Study: Eating more than 2 tablespoons of sugar a day increases your risk of 45 chronic diseases
A team of Chinese researchers reviewed all available studies comparing dietary sugar consumption and health outcomes in people who were previously free from acute or chronic diseases. The researchers found several harmful associations between dietary sugar consumption and chronic diseases. It turns out, eating more than two tablespoons of sugar per day (25 grams) increases […]
By Joven Gray
Soda consumption linked to accelerated aging and increased mortality risk
A recent study by researcher from the University of California, San Francisco says that drinking soda can increase the risk of all-cause mortality and accelerate aging. The findings build on mounting evidence of the adverse effects drinking soda and other sugary beverages have on the body, which include obesity, Type 2 diabetes, heart disease, kidney disease, non-alcoholic fatty liver […]
By Divina Ramirez
Sugary drinks and disease: Chugging 2 sodas per day increases your risk of premature death
The added sugar in soda makes it one of the unhealthiest drinks in the world. On top of raising blood sugar and contributing to abdominal fat, European researchers found that soda can also lead to an earlier death. Published in JAMA Internal Medicine, the study demonstrates that daily consumption of two or more sodas – diet or not – […]
By Zoey Sky
Consuming fizzy drinks can affect bone health – but some drinks are worse than others
Despite sodas containing too much sugar and warnings by numerous studies that they can cause health problems, carbonated beverages remain popular among consumers. But here’s another bad thing researchers have linked to the consumption of fizzy drinks: an increased risk of osteoporosis. Soda ingredients and how they affect your bone health Sugary sodas contain harmful ingredients like artificial colors, high-fructose […]
By Grace Olson
Drinking low-calorie sweetened drinks does NOTHING to reduce body weight: Study says effects similar to sugary beverages
People who want to lose weight might want to think twice before drinking so-called “low-calorie” or “zero-calorie” sweetened drinks, especially since it’s not that different from regular sweetened drinks, according to a recent study in Pediatric Obesity. In their paper, researchers from George Washington University (GW) in Washington D.C. revealed that children and teens who drank low-calorie sweetened beverages consumed just […]
By Lance D Johanson
Consuming cancer tastes SO good: High fructose corn syrup is “cancer” food, increases tumor growth
Food and beverage companies have studied the human brain to figure out the best way to addict you to their products. Using flavor science, these companies have found the most efficient way to excite your taste buds and incite pleasure in your brain. This mad science is done in the light of day, en masse, […]
By Zoey Sky
If you’re on a keto diet, don’t even think about taking a cheat day: Research says that just one bottle of soda can wreak havoc on your blood vessels
Diets can be difficult to maintain, and this is why most dieters love having cheat days. However, a study published in the journal Nutrients warns that if you’re on the ketogenic diet, indulging in glucose-rich snacks on your cheat day may damage your blood vessels. Jonathan Little, senior author of the study and an associate professor in […]
By Zoey Sky
Science says there’s no such thing as a sugar rush – it’s actually a “sugar crash”
Some people mistakenly believe that consuming sugary snacks and beverages can give them a sugar rush, or increased energy and alertness. However, a study published in the journal Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews warns that sugar worsens your mood and makes you feel more tired. The study was conducted by researchers from Humboldt University of Berlin, Lancaster University, and the […]
By Cassie B.
From bad to worse: Diet drinks will wreck your health, and the damage they do gets worse as you get older
Choosing “diet” beverages might help you keep your calorie counts down, but your health problems will start to add up pretty significantly if you drink them on a regular basis. A recent study looked into the effects that consuming diet drinks – which are any beverages that have been sweetened with artificial sugar substitutes – […]
By Cassie B.
SHOCKING report: Coca-Cola tried to manipulate the CDC to “influence policy on nutrition and artificial sweeteners”
Private emails that were released in a shocking report show how Coca-Cola tried to manipulate the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) to influence policy on nutrition in ways that would benefit their products. The relationship between the soft drink maker and the public health agency could have negative consequences for the health of […]
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