By Isabelle Z.
Bill Gates is backing a quest to create a genetically modified Super Cow, hoping to produce four times more genetically modified milk
Not content with what nature has provided us, Microsoft founder Bill Gates would like to see a cow that can make more milk than European cows yet be able to withstand heat just as well as African cows. As part of this quest, he is now funding genetic research that aims to create what they […]
By Zoey Sky
Crickets are now being farmed in Kenya as a food source for humans
Suggesting that crickets can help certain countries achieve food security is a notion that will initially be met with confusion and maybe even disgust, but a group of researchers has proven that the insect is a good source of animal proteins. The house cricket, or Acheta domesticus, is now being incorporated in the scaled-up production of farming […]
By Tracey Watson
How high demand for chocolate is wiping out Africa’s rainforests
It would take some serious searching to find someone who does not love chocolate. Who can resist a chocolate bar after a long and stressful day? Or what about some delicious chocolate ice-cream in the sweltering summer heat? Chocolate milkshake anyone? The list goes on and on, and it is true to say that the […]
By Lance D Johnson
False climate change narrative now being used to push genetically modified “drought resistant” corn on Africa
Each day, farmers face real-world challenges to produce food, especially in countries where their lives depend upon agricultural success. Managing natural resources and crop yields in the face of unpredictable weather is a daunting task. African farmers face irregular seasons of drought; therefore they must breed and select the right drought-tolerant and insect-resistant hybrids in […]
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