By Ethan Huff
Soybean oil linked to brain damage
New research has determined that soybean oil, which is added to nearly everything Americans eat these days, may be linked to brain damage. Consuming soybean oil, the vast majority of which is genetically engineered (GMO), leads to neurological changes in the brain that researchers believe directly contribute to serious health conditions like dementia and autism, […]
By Franz Walker
Eating leafy greens delays cognitive decline by at least 11 YEARS, finds study
As if there weren’t enough reasons to eat leafy greens, researchers from Rush University in Chicago have added one more. A study published in the peer-reviewed journal Neurology showed that eating green leafy vegetables — such as spinach, broccoli, kale, arugula and Brussels sprouts — can help protect the brain and slow down people’s cognitive decline by 11 years. […]
By Ralph Flores
Does “bad cholesterol” have a role in early-onset Alzheimer’s disease?
Alzheimer’s disease is a chronic illness that robs a person of his memory and thinking skills. In the US, as many as five million adults suffer from this debilitating illness, with most symptoms appearing after age 60, based on data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. However, there are some cases where people develop symptoms of the […]
By Edsel Cook
Just 2 teaspoons of nuts can stave off cognitive decline in the elderly
As people grow older, their cognitive health declines. But a new Australian study suggests that aging people can improve their cognitive function if they eat large amounts of nuts every day. The researchers surveyed more than 4,800 Chinese adults who were 55 years of age or older for 15 years. They discovered a link between eating more than […]
By Chloe Divino
Unlock white sesame flour’s antioxidant and brain-protecting effects
The plant Sesamum indicum, commonly known as sesame, is a herbaceous plant that belongs to the Pedaliaceae family. It is widely cultivated for its edible oil and protein-rich seeds. While sesame oil is known as a rich source of unsaturated fatty acids, sesame seeds are popular sources of dietary fiber and micronutrients, such as minerals, lignans, tocopherols, […]
By Stephanie Diaz
Coffee really can make you live longer
The secret to a long life may be your cup of joe. Studies show that regular coffee drinkers have a reduced risk of dying prematurely compared to non-drinkers. Drinking coffee may increase your chances of living a longer life Two studies published in the Annals of Internal Medicine looked into the drinking habits of over 700,000 people in […]
By Cassie B.
Aluminum can foil your good health: Do you use this neurotoxin in your kitchen?
If you take a look around a typical kitchen, you’re likely to find a lot of aluminum. It’s not something you might give much thought normally, but once you start looking for it, you’ll find it everywhere, from the pans in your cabinet to the foil in your drawer and the canned vegetables in your […]
By Chloe Divino
The neuroprotective and anti-apoptotic properties of white sesame flour
In this study, researchers from Gifu University in Japan showed that defatted white sesame seed flour has neuroprotective and anti-apoptotic properties. Their findings about the bioactivity of water-soluble fractions purified from defatted sesame seed flour were published in the journal Nutrition Research. Defatted sesame seed flour is a byproduct of oil extraction and is considered a waste product. In their […]
By Tracey Watson
Is this often overlooked vegetable the key to fighting Alzheimer’s?
Many dread getting older. The loss of vitality, mobility and even loved ones is a daunting prospect, and what makes it even more frightening is the possibility that one could develop Alzheimer’s or some other form of dementia. Someone is diagnosed with this condition every three seconds, and a third of all seniors die from […]
By Amy Goodrich
Scientists say eating eggs for breakfast helps boost brain function
Many people see eggs as the villains of the grocery cooler. One moment nutritionists are touting them for their health benefits, and the next they’re saying they’re bad for us. This controversy comes from the general belief that eggs raise cholesterol which may lead to a heart disease. Previous research has linked regular egg consumption […]
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