bad nutrition
By Jessica Dolores
High blood pressure is caused more by sugar consumption than salt intake
Even scientists can bark up the wrong tree sometimes. For more than a century, they have pointed their fingers at salt as the main culprit in high blood pressure or hypertension that leads to kidney damage, stroke, and heart attack. Some have even described salt as “the single deadliest ingredient in your pantry.” And many doctors […]
By Michelle Simmons
Eating a lot of processed meat increases your risk of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease and insulin resistance
Researchers have found another reason why eating a lot of processed meat is bad: It increases the risk of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) and insulin resistance, according to a study published in the Journal of Hepatology. These results add to the increasing amount of evidence on the harmful effects of eating red and processed […]
By Jessica Dolores
Cure your depression by making these simple dietary changes
The sun is out. The birds are singing. The flowers are blooming. So you can’t explain why you’re feeling low. Something just isn’t right. It could be the food you’re eating. May Simpkin, a leading nutritionist in the United Kingdom, says people who consume a lot of processed foods and sugar are more prone to […]
By Jessica Dolores
South Asians living in the U.S. are consuming less beneficial nutrients; that’s why more of them are developing Type 2 diabetes
Your environment defines you. People absorb the habits and ways of the place they’re living in. That’s what a new UT Southwestern study proved once more when researchers from the premier academic medical center’s Human Nutrition team studied 77 U.S. South Asians — 44 with diabetes and 33 without — on their dietary choices. The […]
By Jessica Dolores
Two sodas a day DOUBLE the risk of heart disease, study warns
The sun is bearing down on you so strongly on a hot summer day that you just have to quench your thirst. You’ve been running around that oval track for so long you can’t wait to reach out for something to drink. But let that drink be filtered water, and other healthier alternatives, not soda. Scientists […]
By Zoey Sky
Chinese fast food might give you high blood pressure; it can have the same salt content as TEN bags of chips
An investigation has revealed that Chinese fast food, which contains “harmful amounts of salt,” should come with a health warning. Campaigners in Britain revealed that favorites like sweet and sour chicken and egg fried rice are some of the worst offenders. Action on Salt, the group of specialists that carried out the investigation, urged health authorities to set “tough new […]
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