bill gates
By Isabelle Z.
Bill Gates is backing a quest to create a genetically modified Super Cow, hoping to produce four times more genetically modified milk
Not content with what nature has provided us, Microsoft founder Bill Gates would like to see a cow that can make more milk than European cows yet be able to withstand heat just as well as African cows. As part of this quest, he is now funding genetic research that aims to create what they […]
By Tracey Watson
Same Bill Gates that calls for vaccines to reduce human population invests in lab-grown meat company that hopes to sell “synthetic meat” to consumers
There is no doubt that around the world, with the exception of countries with religious reasons for abstaining, people love to eat meat. Whether it’s a delicious steak on the barbecue or your mom’s roast chicken, most of us associate good times and family memories with meat of some kind. With the hectic pace at […]
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