crop yields
By Tracey Watson
Working with nature to reduce pesticide use: Farmers around the world are rediscovering the increased yields offered by biodiversity
The face of agriculture has changed dramatically over the past century. Instead of working with what nature has provided, encouraging biodiversity and companion planting to ward off pests, farmers have been encouraged to use chemical fertilizers and pesticides, with disastrous results. Despite being promised greater crop protection and increased yields, the results have been low-yielding […]
By Jhoanna Robinson
Cover crops found to reduce weed infestations, need for tillage while returning nutrients to the soil
A study that was published in the journal Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment found that utilizing cover crops could help in reducing the need for tillage, increasing soil fertility, maintaining yield, and managing weed growth problems. (Source: A three-year experiment in Switzerland had researchers studying eight cover crop treatments, which were cultivated for a short two-month […]
By Jhoanna Robinson
Grape growers can increase the nutrients in their wine by removing leaves early, though it does decrease crop size
A recent study concerning the effects of early leaf removal on grape yield has uncovered that wine that is derived from early defoliated grapes tend to have more nutrients than those that were not. The negative side of this is, grapes that have encountered early leaf removal tend to be smaller in size. In the […]
By Ralph Flores
Technology for plants: Engineers have developed sensors for leaves, enabling farmers to capture more detailed data about their crops
The future of science and technology is looking up — and it’s not just for man and machine. Plants are also getting in on the action, thanks to innovations like the “low-cost, easily produced, graphene-based, sensors-on-tape.” Despite the long description, this wearable sensor tape can be easily stuck to a plant, which, in turn, will allow data […]
By Rhonda Johansson
Food crops produce more output when they have healthy soil microbes, research confirms… yet glyphosate kills soil life
In an attempt to tease out the nature vs. nurture conundrum in the development of plants, a team of researchers from the University of Queensland analyzed scores of plant genera along the Cooloola dunes from the Great Sandy National Park on Australia’s Sunshine Coast. It was determined that the presence and level of soil microorganisms […]
By Lance D Johnson
False climate change narrative now being used to push genetically modified “drought resistant” corn on Africa
Each day, farmers face real-world challenges to produce food, especially in countries where their lives depend upon agricultural success. Managing natural resources and crop yields in the face of unpredictable weather is a daunting task. African farmers face irregular seasons of drought; therefore they must breed and select the right drought-tolerant and insect-resistant hybrids in […]
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