food source
By David Williams
What defines “clean meat” and why it’s a sign of things to come
As the movement for more widespread adoption of “clean meat” begins to pick up speed, many different questions need to be answered. What is it? Is it really safe to eat? Will it be possible to make sure that clean meat sources can offer products that are just as good, if not better, than actual […]
By Ralph Flores
Sustainable and easy to grow, jack fruit can help provide food independence to poor cultures
The jackfruit is in the middle of a renaissance. In recent years, it’s been hailed as one of the hottest food trends, it’s currently a wildly popular meat substitute, and in the future, it may very well be the answer to the looming food security crisis. While no one really knows where the jackfruit (Artocarpus heterophyllus Lam.) […]
By Russel Davis
Hey, this space lasagna tastes like crap! Astronauts to eat their own microbe-recycled human waste in latest science “breakthrough”
Researchers at the Pennsylvania State University recently reported that they were able to harness microbes and convert them into potential food sources, which in turn may help space travels a lot less grueling for astronauts. The research team noted that bringing enough food and water from Earth to outer space takes up large volumes of space […]
By Russel Davis
How about a nutrition burger? Microalgae could be the next sustainable health food, according to new study
As the western diet continues to demand vast amounts of land and water for production, a team of researchers at the Tufts University in Boston and the University College London has looked at the potential of cultivating microalgae as a potential food source in the future. The researchers have cited data from the United Nations, which indicates that more […]
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