By HRS Editors
Avoid harmful chemicals like glyphosate in food by ALWAYS choosing ORGANIC
The uninformed shopper or non-prepper might not know that many food products are often contaminated with glyphosate, a potentially dangerous chemical found in certain weed killers used by farmers in the U.S. This means that as a prepper, you should be careful when buying groceries for your family to protect them from this toxic chemical. Knowing more […]
By Cassie B.
Dangers of GM corn spark huge trade dispute between the U.S. and Mexico
Mexico and the U.S. are currently engaged in a major trade dispute over genetically modified corn that could have a major impact on American agriculture. Corn is considered a staple crop in Mexico and makes up a significant part of the diet there; it is consumed in 89 percent of all Mexican meals. The country […]
By Lance D Johnson
The toxic herbicide industry — guilty of causing cancer — is seeking LEGAL IMMUNITY across the United States
The toxic herbicide industry, which continues to blast out carcinogens like glyphosate and atrazine, is seeking legal immunity across the United States. In a last-ditch effort to ward off multi-billion-dollar legal challenges, companies like Bayer and Syngenta are approaching legislators across the country and pushing them to pass legislation that would give their companies legal […]
By Ethan Huff
Mexico “still hasn’t seen science” from U.S. proving safety of GMO corn
America’s biggest buyer of corn, Mexico, is refusing to import the GMO (genetically engineered) variety because the poisonous “food” is sprayed with toxic glyphosate (Roundup) herbicide. In an official reply to the United States concerning the U.S.-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA), Mexico argued that the presence of glyphosate on U.S. corn renders it unsafe and thus unfit […]
By Olivia Cook
Common herbicides linked to diminished brain function in young adults
The use of herbicides has become commonplace in a world that constantly strives for greater crop yield, as well as beautiful lawns and landscaping. However, a recent study from the University of California, San Diego (UCSD) has found potential dangers linked to the use of common herbicides – particularly their impact on the brain function […]
By Olivia Cook
Herbicide in every bite: GLYPHOSATE detected in 100% of U.S. fast-food brands tested
The herbicide glyphosate, known for causing serious health issues, has been detected in 100 percent of food samples taken from the top 20 fast food brands in the United States. The shocking find was uncovered by the Fast Food Testing Program backed by Moms Across America (MAA) and its affiliates, including Children’s Health Defense. MAA […]
By Ethan Huff
U.S. to wage economic WAR on Mexico for refusing to grow, import any more GMO corn
The globalists who control the United States are furious that Mexico has decided to no longer import any more genetically modified (GMO) corn from the U.S. or anywhere else. Following two-and-a-half months of failed negotiations, U.S. overlords are calling for the creation of a dispute settlement panel under a North American trade deal to try […]
By Belle Carter
Health Ranger Mike Adams warns of shocking levels of GLYPHOSATE weed killer in some organic foods
The Health Ranger Mike Adams has warned that even organic foods are not entirely safe from the herbicide glyphosate that causes various health issues. During an episode of the “Health Ranger Report,” Adams disclosed that he found shocking levels of glyphosate in a batch of organic black beans that he tested. His analyst informed him […]
By Ethan Huff
America’s food supply loaded with petrochemical pesticide and fertilizer residues linked to children’s health problems
The advocacy group Beyond Pesticides issued a special report in its journal “Pesticides and You” this week called “Transformative Change: Informed by Science, Policy, and Action” that highlights the “shocking scientific findings that compel us to act in our communities, states, and as a nation and world community.” The 168-page issue contains a review of […]
By Zoey Sky
GMOs linked to increased pesticide use and loss of biodiversity
According to the biotech industry, genetically modified (GM) foods would help reduce pesticide use and increase the nutritional content of various food products. They also promised that GM crops could help farmers by boosting their profits and feed the world by increasing crop yields. But data has proven that GM crops have done more harm […]
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