Neil deGrasse Tyson
By Ethan Huff
Neil deGrasse Tyson teams up with violent wife beater Jon Entine and convicted felon ringleader of ACSH to produce Monsanto propaganda film called “Food Evolution”
Fake science guru Neil deGrasse Tyson will have his voice featured in a new documentary film entitled Food Evolution that claims to provide an independent analysis of the facts on modern food. But a closer look reveals that the entire project is more of an advertising campaign for the chemical industry than it is an […]
By Ethan Huff
How Neil deGrasse Tyson destroys the credibility of all science by shilling for the chemical pesticide industry
To some, he’s one of the coolest and most progressive voices in science today. To others, he’s a chemical and biotech industry shill of the highest order, and someone whose conscience is apparently silent as he continually makes up lies to push his evil agenda. This mystery person is none other than Neil deGrasse Tyson, […]
By Robert Jonathan
California’s declaration means Neil deGrasse Tyson is now pushing a deadly herbicide POISON that kills people
California’s far-left government is running the once prosperous Golden State into the ground, but it showed some semblance of reason by declaring that glyphosate — the toxic chemical found in Monsanto’s prize weed killer, Roundup — is a chemical known to be cancer causing. Under the state’s Office of Environmental Hazard Assessment ruling, California retailers must include […]
By D. Samuelson
“Food Evolution” movie filmmakers attack one of America’s greatest moms, smearing her to push toxic herbicides and GMOs in the name of “science”
Who knows their child the best? For thousands of years, the norm has been two parents who share responsibility for the little ones, with a larger burden placed upon a mother for their daily bread and nurturing. While the current excursions in society and cultural norms have shifted greatly in the past few decades, the […]
By Ethan Huff
Neil deGrasse Tyson joins the list of the world’s most EVIL propagandists who push poison in the name of “science”
Chances are that during his tenure at Harvard back in the late 1970s, Neil deGrasse Tyson never had cognitive aspirations of becoming a poster boy for corporate, for-profit “science” after graduation. But that’s exactly what this pseudoscience charlatan has become, joining the ranks of other shameless propagandists like Jon Entine and Bill Nye whose entire […]
By Isabelle Z.
One of the key proponents of climate change “science” now says eating weed killer is safe for your health and good for the planet
How can you get people to buy what you’re selling? Many marketing experts believe in the power of celebrity endorsements, hiring the latest gossip page darlings to hawk whatever wares they are selling. These celebrities might not like or even use the products they are promoting, but they are happy to collect their check and […]
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