By Ralph Flores
Differentiating between probiotics and “postbiotics”
So what’s in a name? For scientists, it’s the chance to learn more about a new compound that carries potential benefits to human health. In a study published in the journal Trends in Food Science & Technology, the team looked at how “postbiotics” – defined as soluble factors that are released by probiotics – could be […]
By Ralph Flores
Fiber found to be an underutilized treatment for type-2 diabetes
Getting more fiber into your diet isn’t just good for digestion. According to a study, it could also reduce symptoms of diabetes and help with weight loss. The study, published in the journal Science, revealed that dietary fiber could “rebalance” the gut microbiota, encouraging the development of specific types of gut bacteria that improve blood glucose […]
By Frances Bloomfield
Potatoes GOOD for diabetics? Study finds prebiotic from potatoes actually reduces insulin resistance
Diabetics and pre-diabetics are often told to avoid potatoes due to being relatively high on the glycemic index (GI). But, as a new study demonstrated, potatoes may actually be more beneficial than detrimental. MSPrebiotic, a natural, digestion-resistant starch made from potato (Solanum tuberosum) extract was found to have a positive impact on gut microbiota and […]
By Edsel Cook
Prebiotic fiber containing beta-glucan shows promise for leaky gut sufferers
A recently-developed prebiotic fiber rich in beta-glucan sugars could help patients who suffer from intestinal permeability. Recently tested by a Swedish team, the yeast-derived natural supplement promises to amend leaky gut, reported a NutraIngredients article. Developed by pharmaceutical company Biothera Inc. and produced by Kerry Group, Wellmune is a prebiotic dietary fiber made from bakers’ yeast. It is rich in beta-glucans, a group […]
By Frances Bloomfield
Boost your metabolism AND the microbiota in your colon with a small amount of prebiotics
Prebiotics are specialized plant fibers that are most known for nourishing gut bacteria. These can be found in cereals, grains, firm bananas, and legumes — most of which we’re told to eat plenty of on a daily basis. In fact, as a team of investigators from Kobe University has discovered, even small amounts of prebiotics […]
By Rhonda Johansson
Infant formula with prebiotics could enhance brain chemistry, improve learning and memory
A team from the University of Illinois concluded that prebiotics added to infant formula can improve memory and brain development in babies. Their research, which was published in Nutritional Neuroscience, explained how dietary polydextrose and galactooligosaccharide can increase exploratory behavior, recognition memory, and neurochemistry in young pigs. Polydextrose (PDX) is a synthetic carbohydrate with prebiotic […]
By Michelle Simmons
The health of your gut microbiome could predict your risk of heart disease, researchers find
The most common lifestyle risk factors of heart diseases and stroke are unhealthy diet, lack of physical activity, tobacco smoke, and heavy alcohol drinking, and in a new study, researchers have discovered another link between gut bacteria and health. The new study has found that the bacteria in the gastrointestinal tract could have an influence […]
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