By Ralph Flores
Your insomnia may be caused by your diet! Not eating enough veggies and gorging on junk food makes you more restless
Researchers have found that a person’s sleepless nights could be traced to his diet. In a study published in The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, the authors indicated that having a higher energy intake, coupled with trans fat and sodium consumption, with only a few vegetables is linked to probable insomnia. Insomnia is a condition wherein a […]
By Jessica Dolores
High blood pressure is caused more by sugar consumption than salt intake
Even scientists can bark up the wrong tree sometimes. For more than a century, they have pointed their fingers at salt as the main culprit in high blood pressure or hypertension that leads to kidney damage, stroke, and heart attack. Some have even described salt as “the single deadliest ingredient in your pantry.” And many doctors […]
By Zoey Sky
Tips for eating out without sabotaging your health
No one wants to be a spoilsport, but it can be tricky to watch the calories when you’re ordering from restaurants while on a lunch date. Below are some tips that you can keep in mind if you want to stick to your diet. Why you have to count calories when eating out When eating food […]
By Michelle Simmons
Study finds low blood sodium levels linked to impaired cognition function in older adults
A recent study published in the Clinical Journal of the American Society of Nephrology has found that blood sodium levels may influence the cognitive function of older adults. The researchers of the study examined whether lower normal serum sodium is linked to cognitive impairment and the likelihood of cognitive decline. The study researchers looked at […]
By Michelle Simmons
No matter how well you eat, too much salt still causes high blood pressure, according to new study
It does not matter how healthy a person’s overall diet is, consuming too much salt still causes high blood pressure, according to a study published in the journal Hypertension. The study was conducted by a team of researchers from different institutions, which included the Imperial College London and Northwestern University, who looked at the diets of more […]
By Isabelle Z.
Skyrocketing cancer rates driven by processed food, warn researchers
If you’re still eating processed foods, the latest study in the British Medical Journal should be enough to steer you away from this dangerous habit. That’s because French researchers have found that the skyrocketing rates of cancer deaths can be pinned on the popularity of processed foods like sodas, sugary cereals, and ready-made meals. Ultra-processed […]
By Ralph Flores
Sugar isn’t the only problem with breakfast cereals; lack of nutritional value and pesticide toxins also harm health
Faced with increasing demands for healthier breakfast alternatives, the Kellog Company, the parent company for the Kellogg’s cereal brands, has announced that it will curb sugar content for its top three children’s cereals by between 20 to 40 percent starting next year. According to Oli Morton, managing director of Kellog’s U.K., the move is due to consumer […]
By Isabelle Z.
Oscar Mayer Lunchables LOADED with chemical additives; company tries to hide ingredients from the public
Parents want to give their children the best start in life, but modern moms and dads are quite busy and often look for shortcuts. There are plenty of products on the market that cater to time-pressed parents, and while they might make life easier on the adults, some of these choices could set children up […]
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