weird science
By Jayson Veley
Doctor WARNS: Your popular foods are filled with bug parts and animal feathers
The next time you go to the grocery store, you might want to think twice about what you’re putting in your shopping cart. According to John Swartzberg or Berkeley’s School of Public Health, many types of foods contain bizarre and even shocking ingredients that most people don’t even know about. Below is a list of […]
By Zoey Sky
Scientists develop new sensor that tracks everything you eat… and you wear it on your TEETH
Because of various technological advances, we now have gadgets and devices that can help us track anything from our heartbeat to our sleep patterns. Now, researchers from Tufts University have unveiled a new sensor that can be worn on teeth and records what a person eats or drinks in one day. The sensor can be attached to […]
By Frances Bloomfield
How much poop do you poo-duce in your lifetime? Check out these shocking figures
How much poop will you produce in your lifetime? It may not be a question you’ve mulled over, but it’s one that has definitive answers. A normal person will put out an average of 14 to 17 oz (or 400 to 500 g) of poop everyday, at a rate of roughly 0.8 in (two cm) […]
By Janine Acero
Scientists study how proteins affect the quality, flavor and bubbles of beer
People have been brewing beer for thousands of years, but few studies have explored the science behind the process of making one of the most popular alcoholic beverages of all time. A study published in the Journal of Proteome Research did just that – in particular, focusing on the role of proteins in making better, tastier beer. […]
By Isabelle Z.
We’re all gobbling down 100 pieces of plastic with every meal
You wouldn’t dream of ordering a side of plastic with your meal, but you’re already eating 100 pieces of plastic each day without even realizing it, according to an alarming new study. When scientists from Edinburgh’s Heriot-Watt University placed Petri dishes with sticky dust traps on tables near dinner plates in people’s homes at meal […]
By Zoey Sky
Birds help produce rare wild chili peppers through symbiotic relationships
A study conducted by researchers from Iowa State University revealed that a certain species of birds helps chili peppers grow in the wild. According to the researchers, the data from their study helped them learn more about “a mutualistic, or mutually beneficial, relationship between birds and chili peppers in the Mariana Islands.” Haldre Rogers, an assistant professor […]
By David Williams
FOOD COLLAPSE imminent? Researchers create “robobees” as last ditch effort to compensate for collapsing bee populations
The invention of robot bees – robobees, for short – could be the long-awaited solution to all sorts of problems caused by the dwindling bee population all around the world. Just in case you haven’t heard, the world bee population has been steadily declining. As a result, a number of different environmental problems have emerged. […]
By David Williams
U.S. beef industry makes strategic move to counter lab-grown meat with legal definition of “meat”
The era of so-called clean meat – artificial meat that was created from cells in a laboratory setting instead of being taken from real, live animals – is almost here. And the world has barely begun to try to keep up. Even the U.S. Cattlemen’s Association (USCA) has taken their sweet time in dealing with […]
By David Williams
Lab-grown meat now coming to restaurants near you: Is your stomach prepared for it?
There have been tremendous leaps in the field of food science over the past few decades, and it doesn’t look like the rate of progress is going to slow down any time soon. But while there are a lot of positive outcomes from the research studies that have been conducted on food and how to […]
By David Williams
The surprisingly complicated science that makes cheap wine possible
To be a wine enthusiast in this day and age, one no longer needs to spend large sums of money. There are many different kinds of cheap wine available for your enjoyment, and it almost seems like there are more and more of them popping up each year. But have you ever wondered exactly how […]
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