By Michelle Simmons
Repurposing wine leftovers: Waste from grapes found to have many uses, from natural food preservatives to cosmetic ingredients
No parts will be wasted in winemaking anymore, as researchers found a way to make use of the waste from grapes. The researchers at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln discovered that wine leftovers – seeds, stalks, and skins – can be used as natural food preservatives as well as ingredients in cosmetic products. In the process of making […]
By David Williams
The surprisingly complicated science that makes cheap wine possible
To be a wine enthusiast in this day and age, one no longer needs to spend large sums of money. There are many different kinds of cheap wine available for your enjoyment, and it almost seems like there are more and more of them popping up each year. But have you ever wondered exactly how […]
By Edsel Cook
A little wine each day may help remove waste from the brain, improving cognitive health, research finds
Everyone knows an apple a day keeps the doctor away, but new research suggests a couple of glasses of good wine can drive dementia away, as reported in a Daily Mail article. According to a recently-concluded study of a research team from the University of Rochester (UR), mice who received the equivalent of 2 1/2 glasses of wine […]
By Zoey Sky
A beer or two – but no more: Study finds drinking more than 10g per day compromises cognitive function
Beer drinkers need to closely monitor their daily alcohol intake because according to a new study, drinking “more than a third of a pint of beer a day impairs people’s response time.” The reports of a study published in the United Kingdom reveals that drinking more than 10 grams (g) (or a unit) of beer […]
By Zoey Sky
Health boost for wine: Researchers have developed a device to filter out the sulfites used for preservation
While sulfites are used to preserve wine and food products, they can cause an allergy-like reaction in people who are sensitive to the compounds. Now, a group of researchers has revealed that they are developing a device that can be used to filter sulfites in wine. Sulfites are compounds that include sulfur dioxide and sulfite […]
By Vicki Batts
Coming soon: GMO wine — experts have discovered the gene in yeast DNA that alters flavor
If the biotech industry has taught the world anything, it’s that they just can’t leave well enough alone. The number of foods being targeted for genetic modification continues to grow and now, the industry has set its sights on a popular adult beverage: Wine. Researchers from the VIB Institute in Flanders, Belgium have isolated the […]
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