03/14/2021 / By JD Heyes
Most Americans are unaware that the Chinese Communist government is engaged in an unconventional “gray-zone” war against the United States that has, so far, resulted in close to one million Americans dead.
“The Gray Zone is characterized by intense political, economic, informational, and military competition more fervent in nature than normal steady-state diplomacy, yet short of conventional war. It is hardly new, however,” the National Defense University noted in a research paper published in January 2016.
“The Cold War was a 45-year-long Gray Zone struggle in which the West succeeded in checking the spread of communism and ultimately witnessed the dissolution of the Soviet Union,” the paper continues.
“To avoid superpower confrontations that might escalate to all-out nuclear war, the Cold War was largely a proxy war, with the United States and Soviet Union backing various state or nonstate actors in small regional conflicts and executing discrete superpower intervention and counter-intervention around the globe,” it adds.
The ChiComs have picked up where the Soviets left off, and with deadly effect, the latest effort being the dramatic increase in the shipment of contaminated meat to the U.S.
“In calendar year 2020, in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, the number of shipments containing prohibited pork, chicken, beef and duck products arriving from China intercepted by U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) agriculture specialists in Los Angeles, nearly doubled compared with the previous year,” said Customs and Border Protection in a Feb. 19 post on its website.
The U.S. Dept. of Agriculture further notes that China’s livestock and fowl are afflicted with African Swine Fever (ASF), Classical Swine Fever (CSF), Newcastle Disease (ND), Foot and Mouth Disease (FMD), Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza (HPAI) and Swine Vesicular Disease (SVD), each of which can be deadly if consumed.
“From Jan. 1, to Dec. 31, 2020, CBP in Los Angeles issued 1,049 Emergency Action Notifications (EAN) compared to 527 in 2019, a 99 percent increase,” the CBP notice said.
“Chinese animal products are in high demand in certain communities in the United States. Smugglers attempt to bring those products which are later sold in Asian groceries markets. Many consumers are not aware of the importation restrictions,” it adds.
The dramatic increase in tainted meat shipments follows the ChiComs manufacture and likely intentional release of the COVID-19 virus, which has spread around the globe and which has killed more than a half-million Americans alone.
Though the Chinese government has officially denied it, Dr. Li-Meng Yan, M.D., Ph.D., a virologist who recently fled China and her job at Hong Kong University, says that COVID was lab-created.
“The evidence shows that SARS-CoV-2 should be a laboratory product created by using bat coronaviruses ZC45 and/or ZXC21 as a template and/or backbone,” she told the BBC in September, using the official name for COVID-19.
“Building upon the evidence, we further postulate a synthetic route for SARS-CoV-2, demonstrating that the laboratory-creation of this coronavirus is convenient and can be accomplished in approximately six months,” she added.
On top of COVID and now tainted meat, China has also been supplying the ingredients to Mexican drug cartels for the manufacture of highly addictive and deadly meth, heroin and fentanyl, which is being smuggled over the border and into American small towns and big cities.
In an interview with journalist Lara Logan for her Fox Nation series, Drug Enforcement Agency New England Associate Special Agent in Charge Jon DeLena said that China has formed an alliance with the drug cartels, which move the product and then launder the money through Chinese-controlled financial institutions.
“We know that there are organizations right now, Mexican cartels, that are manufacturing pills to look like an Adderall and mixing them with nothing but methamphetamine,” DeLena said in an episode that aired earlier this month.
“We know that the people that are abusing Adderall are children. So they’re specifically targeting drugs aimed at our children,” he added.
Fentanyl deaths alone have been doubling every year since 2014, according to the federal government, to now more than 25,000 per year.
See more reporting like this at NationalSecurity.news.
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Tagged Under: Americans, biological weapons, biowarfare, bioweapons, border, China, Cold War, contaminated meat, coronavirus, covid-19, CPB, death, evil, fentanyl, food safety, food science, food supply, gray zone warfare, Mexican Cartels, Mexico, national security, outrage, Public Health, smuggling, targeting, war