Anthocyanins from grape skins could potentially be used as a colorant

Anthocyanins from grape skins can be used as a safe and natural food colorant, according to a study published in the Journal of Food Processing and Preservation. These could be used as an alternative to harmful synthetic food colorants.

  • Food manufacturers use synthetic food colorants to provide color in beverages.
  • Food industries also produce a large amount of waste that harms the environment and causes economic losses if they are not utilized efficiently.
  • Therefore, researchers at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul in Brazil sought to find a way to utilize residues of food processing and use them as natural sources of bioactive compounds that could also be used as a food and beverage colorant.
  • In this study, the researchers assessed the stability and retention of anthocyanins from grape byproducts as a source of food colorant in kefir and carbonated water during storage.
  • They found that the anthocyanins from grape skins applied to kefir and carbonated beverages had better thermal stability and longer shelf-life when stored in the dark.
  • In addition to providing color, the anthocyanins are also good for health due to their antioxidant properties.

In conclusion, the findings of the study indicate that anthocyanins from grape skins can be used as a safe and natural substitute for synthetic colorant in food and drinks.

To read more studies on the health benefits of anthocyanins, visit

Journal Reference:

Montibeller MJ, de Lima Monteiro P, Tupuna-Yerovi DS, Rios AO, Manfroi V. STABILITY ASSESSMENT OF ANTHOCYANINS OBTAINED FROM SKIN GRAPE APPLIED IN KEFIR AND CARBONATED WATER AS A NATURAL COLORANT. Journal of Food Processing and Preservation. 27 September 2018; 42(8). DOI: 10.1111/jfpp.13698
