Treating atopic dermatitis with quince seeds

In a study published in BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine, researchers suggest that the quince plant (Cydonia oblonga Miller) could be used to prevent and treat atopic dermatitis. Researchers from Shinshu University in Japan analyzed the effect quince seed extracts on keratinocyte-associated skin inflammation, as well as using mouse models.

  • The researchers looked at how the ethanolic extract of quince seeds (QSEtE) could affect NC/Nga mice with atopic dermatitis. The team also assessed QSEtE directly using the human keratinocyte cell line HaCaT.
  • Researchers found that QSEtE was able to improve skin lesions caused by dust mites.
  • QSEtE also downregulated expressions of thymus- and activation-regulated chemokine (TARC) in the dorsal skin.
  • QSEtE was also able to suppress the expression and production of TARC in HaCaT cells.

From the findings, researchers concluded that QSEtE could prevent the onset and improve symptoms of keratinocyte-associated skin inflammation.

Read the full study at this link.

Learn more plants that can cure atopic dermatitis at

Journal Reference:

Kawahara T, Tsutsui K, Nakanishi E, Inoue T, Hamauzu Y. EFFECT OF THE TOPICAL APPLICATION OF AN ETHANOL EXTRACT OF QUINCE SEEDS ON THE DEVELOPMENT OF ATOPIC DERMATITIS-LIKE SYMPTOMS IN NC/NGA MICE. BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine. 2017;17(80). DOI: 10.1186/s12906-017-1606-6
