Archaeological evidence shows that vitamin C deficiency wiped out an entire town

For many people, nutrition is more about calories than it is about vitamins and minerals. But as science continues to demonstrate, nutritional status is dependent on far more than just the amount of energy you consume. The medical and pharma industries, alongside Big Food, have been working to downplay the necessity of good nutrition for human health. Whether it is mantras like “calories in, calories out” or “if it fits your macros,” or corrupt food science, there is a massive campaign to keep consumers in the dark when it comes to real nutrition.

There are a bevy of micronutrients that the human body needs to thrive. And as new discovery shows, failing to meet the body’s micronutrient needs can be fatal — especially if you’re not getting enough vitamin C.

Vitamin C deficiency kills

A team of archaeologists have recently determined that an entire ancient village was destroyed by scurvy — a dangerous health condition caused by vitamin C deficiency.

Study author Vera Tiesler , from the Universidad Autonma in Yucatan, Mexico, reports that many diseases plagued the early Spanish settlers of a city named La Isabela, the remnants of which are located in modern-day Dominican Republic. Massive waves of illness, combined with starvation and other factors, ultimately led La Isabela to be abandoned.

Skeletal analyses led by Tiesler now show that the early settlers were suffering from severe scurvy. Vitamin C deficiency that pronounced likely would have also made the people of La Isabela more susceptible to many other illnesses and diseases.

Though the land was rich in tropical fruits loaded with vitamin C, experts posit that the settlers were focused on making their new city just like Span.

Historian Allyson Poska, from the University of Mary Washington in Virginia, commented, “These are people who plan to come and make their settlement just like Spain. They dug in their heels and said, ‘I’m only going to eat what I know,’ just like a lot of people. And they paid the price.”

Nutrition is essential

Vitamin C is essential for many biological functions; it supports the immune system, promotes wound healing and tissue health, and much more. Recent studies have found that vitamin C can even help reduce cataract formation.

Experts are also now putting the spotlight on vitamin C for heart health. Scientists recently discovered that consumption of vitamin C can influence your risk of coronary heart disease. As the leading cause of premature death, this is big news.

Study author Camilla Kobylecki, a medical doctor and Ph.D. student at the Department of Clinical Biochemistry, Herlev and Gentofte Hospital, stated of the findings, “We can see that those with the highest intake of fruit and vegetables have a 15 percent lower risk of developing cardiovascular disease and a 20 percent lower risk of early death compared with those who very rarely eat fruit and vegetables. At the same time, we can see that the reduced risk is related to high vitamin C concentrations in the blood from the fruit and vegetables.”

Many of the chronic conditions and diseases plaguing the world today could be prevented with proper nutrition and healthy lifestyle changes. What you put into your body is either going to help fight disease, or cause it.

Proponents of Big Medicine and Big Food deliberately obfuscate the link between nutrition and health because healthy people aren’t profitable patients. The sugar industry’s scam to cover-up the risks of eating too much sugar is proof that these industries will hide anything to make a buck.

Most health experts are willing to concede that consuming more fruits and veggies will help prevent disease — but no one dares say a diet bereft of valuable nutrients is a potential cause of disease. Admitting that fact would mean admitting that the modern food industry is actually making people sick, and the corporate bureaucrats can’t have that.

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